Better new way to learn dancing online
Virtual Dance Academy is a complete learning experience. With explained details, planned exercises, progress measurement and self-recording features your abilities will skyrocket in no time! And it’s not all.

Practice at your own pace
Change the camera view from back to front with one click. Watch instructor in the mirrored view, loop the selected part and control the speed.

Record your performance
After practicing along with the video, you record yourself with your computer’s camera. Just dance the sequence you have learned today.

Record your performance
After practicing along with the video,you record yourself with your computer’s camera.Just dance the sequence you have learned today.

Compare results
Now compare your recording with the video of the instructor side by side. Assess your result and get ready for our recommendations of what to repeat next time.

Learn, record, compare, evaluate,
track your progress and earn badges, it’s so much fun!
Why you will love it?
practice anytime, anywhere
save time on finding structured lessons
watch yourself alongside with the instructor
gain points, badges and unlock new levels

World Class Instructors

The Blog
VDA grantobiorcą projektu „Bon na Innowacje 2022-2023”
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How to get the most out of your dance class? Part 2
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How to get the most out of your dance class?
New hobby, friends, relax, entertainment and good parties. Among all - dance classes. The whole dance adventure has started from them and it’s based on them. Workshops, festivals, dance trips. Classes in the morning, in the afternoon, weekend bootcamps. Different...