
Nathalie Mila
timba, cuban lady style, cabaret style
Nathalie Milá started her artistic career with classical dance at the age of 6 at the Pro-Dance Center of Cuba, directed by the great maitre Laura Alonso obtaining 2nd place (silver medal) in the competition of Alicia Alonso with only 11 years old. She studied at the América Theater in Cuba, where she continued her career becoming the first dancer. She lives in Rome, Italy continuing her passion teaching in several internationally renowned congresses.

Rafael Hernández
He was born in Havana (Cuba) on September 23, 1981, he began his training at the Casa della Cultura in Old Havana and then continued in Taller Juvenil del Teatro América de Cuba, Taller del Teatro Nacional de Cuba. At the end of his training he joined the company of the Teatro América in Havana Cuba. He became one of the first recognized dancers and choreographers of the comapañia. Today he works in Rome (Italy) as a teacher at his Timba Mia school.

Osmani Segura
timba, reggaeton
His dance journey began at a very young age in Cuba. The streets of Havana were his main source to learn the very popular “Casino” dance (known internationally as “Cuban salsa”) that is the origin of Osmani and also the urban dances. He was also a member of several dance companies in Cuba. Since 2010 he has been providing his knowledge to his students on different levels. As an artist, he continues to teach and perform at various salsa congresses and festivals across Europe.

Alain & Katerina
salsa, rumba, afro
He is a Cuban French. She is a Russian French. Together they are an incredible mix of cuban& russian spirits, dancing mind-blowing Cuban salsa. This couple always follows the very late tendencies of Cuban music and teaches to incorporate this modernity and the evolution in the dance. You will never get bored at their classes as this couple makes you explode every single time they get on a stage, due to their energy and positive vibes.

Dúnia Pacheco
Native Angolan, dancer and dance instructor. Founder of the African dance revue “Mulemba” – Poland’s Got Talent semi-finalist; organiser of the first festival of kuduro in Europe “KuduroMania Festival”. She also participates in TV programmes, music videos and commercials.

Hanna Lechowicz
stretching, mobility, yoga for dancers
Physiotherapits, gymnastics and yoga trainer as well as active dancer performing in numerous dance & acrobatic shows. Stuntwoman acting in movies during risky scenes. Thanks to her experience and knowledge both from theoretical and training sites she successfully share her skills with others.

Anita Hofman
reggaeton, body isolations
Reggaetonera with body isolations that will blow your mind! Dancer and choreographer with 20-years experience starting from hip-hop and jazz ending on Latin dances. In her choreographies she incorporates a large dose of isolation, a characteristic bodymovement for a given style and elements of improvisation.

Jacek Jankiewicz
mobility, functional training
A specialist in biomedical engineering, who applied biomechanics to “hard physical work”. As a sports enthusiast, he made training a way of life. In his daily work, he combines his scientific experience with strength training, building core stability, and mobility. Jacek is a master of combining fitness and functional training. He actively practices professional climbing and holds a black belt in Tae-Kwondo.

Marta Majchrowska
kizomba, tarraxinha, semba

Piotr Nowak
kizomba, tarraxinha, semba

Natalia Plewa
bachata sensual

Krzysztof (Kriss) Juraszek
bachata sensual

Emilia Zawalińska
ballet, spins, stretching